Swimming with the Sharks:
Leading the Full Spectrum Church in a Red-and-Blue World.Join Pastor and Author Jack Haberer on a Journey Toward a Full Spectrum Church, with a Full Spectrum Savior, for a Full Spectrum World.
Forward by William Willimon. Published by Cascade Press.

Swimming to Safety? Or Swimming Upstream?
“Two fires have been burning deep in my belly,” says pastor, author, and enthusiast Jack Haberer, “intensifying from red hot fifty years ago to white hot today. The first fire: the simple yearning for my own local church to flourish in its proclamation of the Gospel, its devotion toward God, its faith-nurturing care of the congregation, and its mission out into the world.” The second fire: yearning “for the larger Church, all denominations, movements and networks who are suffering ‘the fierce polarization across all American Christianity that has escalated from DEFCON 3 to DEFCON 1.’ ”
Swimming with the Sharks burst out of those in-belly fires (mixing metaphors) ignited by the advice of “leadership consultants,” built not on biblical foundations but cobbled together from MBA paradigms for small business management strategies. At best, such advice gets filed and forgotten, but at worst it gets implemented, leading to intensified conflicts, further shrinkage, and congregational disintegrations.
Amid such bleak observations, Jack lifts up an indefatigable optimism (with great sense of humor) that has driven his churches to grow against all odds, for “Reds” and “Blues” to partner together, for all members to be empowered to lead, and for those churches to flourish in every measurement. The fire still burns white hot, but it is fueled by the power of Gospel and Spirit, and by the sheer joy of leading full-spectrum churches amid this partisan-polarized, red-and-blue world.

From the Foreward...
“Although Jack’s journey through many denominations (Catholic, Baptist, Assemblies of God, Free Methodist) and movements (which he aggregates as “fundapentacharisgelical”) led ultimately to being thoroughly, irretrievably Reformed and Presbyterian, I’m telling my fellow Wesleyans, caught in our mudslinging divorce: Read Swimming with the Sharks.
Methodists of all stripes will find that Jack gives them a way to rebuild relationships in family, church, and community that were dam¬aged by the polarizing accusations and counter-accusations that always drive denominational divisions. [We and all readers will learn . . .] how to lead in the name of Christ by swimming with the sharks. I promise that you’ll find encouragement and practical guidance for how to accomplish that in this wonderfully helpful, theologically based book."
Will Willimon
Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry, Duke Divinity School, United Methodist Bishop, retired. Author of Listeners Dare: Hearing God in the Sermon.
Meet Jack Haberer
Author. Pastor. Believer. Former Surfer.
Jack (officially, John Henry, Jr.) Haberer was born in Queens, NY, but the family soon moved out to the New Jersey suburbs. A Roman Catholic by baptism and confirmation, he had a deeper conversion experience at a Southern Baptist church as a high school freshman, and in his sophomore year started The Mustard Seed Coffeehouse, which met at St. John’s Episcopal Church every Saturday evening for 10 years.
Thousands of teens flowed through what had become a major outpost of the Jesus Movement in the NYC metro area, many of whom ultimately became fulltime church leaders.
Jack spent 18 months in a Pentecostal Bible college, earned an A.B. degree from a Methodist college, an M.Div. degree from a multi-denominational evangelical seminary and was ordained into the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). He later earned a D.Min. degree from Columbia Theological Seminary, based upon his dissertation: “The Presence of the Holy Spirit: Elusive or Abiding? …Toward a Theology of Spirituality.”

Now in his 41st year of service, Jack has just retired from serving as Interim Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Kerrville, Texas. He served nine of those years as editor and publisher of The Presbyterian Outlook, an independent, bi-weekly, national news and ministry resource magazine based in Richmond, Va. He previously served pastorates in Houston, Texas, Satellite Beach, Fla., and later in Naples Fla., and Allentown, Pa.
Through those years he has written four books, all published by major publishing companies. He has been appointed to serve on multiple high-profile, denominational committees, including the Theological Task Force on Peace, Unity and Purity of the Church (2001-06) and, beginning in 2023, The General Asembly Special Committee to Write a New Confession of the Faith. In the 1990's he served as board chair for two PC(USA) renewal organizations. He plays piano and guitar. He used to surf but not very well. He still skis pretty well and goes whenever possible, south Texas weather notwithstanding. He and his wife Barbie live in Kerrville, Texas. They have two grown children and six grandchildren.
Jack's Warning to You:
Control freaks beware! Those controlling tendencies will feel threatened as I take you on a tour through several of the first-century churches to show how those new believers participated in the Holy Spirit’s launch of a movement instead of building a denomination, a hierarchy, a governing body, a clerical class of leaders, a set liturgy, a publishing house, a parliamentary procedure, or any singular model for anything they did.
To borrow a book title from management guru Tom Peters, they were “Thriving on Chaos.” And, sure enough, in the process, they “turned the world upside down” (yes, that’s a real quote from one of their critics right in the book of Acts—17:6). But the chaos that they experienced was a chaos of joy, a riot of spiritual passion, a cacophony of biblical study, an explosion of evangelism, a pandemonium of worship, a revolution of mercy, justice, grace and peace—all to the glory of God. (p. 14)
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Join Pastor and Author Jack Haberer on a Journey Toward a Full Spectrum Church, with a Full Spectrum Savior, for a Full Spectrum World.
Forward by William Willimon. Published by Cascade Press.
Other Works by Jack Haberer
Available in paperback and Amazon Kindle. All published by Presbyterian Publishing Co.